Monday, January 26, 2009

Helping Little People Learn Computers

Recently a friend introduced me to a wonderful resource for kids and I want to share it with you. It's called ZAC Browser.

ZAC (the letters stands for Zone for Autistic Children) "is the first web browser developed specifically for children with autism, and autism spectrum disorders."

ZAC is a browser that allows children to interact directly (and safely!) with games (a LOT of games) and activities (focused on MANY interests). The links cater specifically to kids with impairments in social interaction, impairments in communication, restricted interests and repetitive behavior. The icons are big and colorful, thus kids can navigate the site easily.

While ZAC is geared towards children with autism, it is also a wonderful tool for toddlers and children with delayed speech issues. (My 2-year-old son LOVES it!)

Want to learn more about ZAC browser? Blast Magazine wrote a great article about the history of this browser.

ZAC brower is free, so check it out!

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